Booking information

Important information about your holiday with us

Relaxed cancellation conditions
in winter 2023/24 & Summer 2024


    • You can cancel free of charge up to 30 days before arrival.
    • From 29 days to 8 days before arrival 50%

of the booked travel price.

  • From 7 days to 1 day before arrival, 90% of the booked

travel price is charged.

As something can always come up and you may not be able to go on holiday as planned, we recommend that you take out travel insurance:

Arrival & departure

Your rooms, suites and apartments will be available for occupancy by 4 pm on your day of arrival. On the day of departure, we ask our guests to check out by 10 am.


Following our written confirmation and subsequent deposit of 50% of the full price into our bank account within 30 days after reservation, your accommodation at the Hotel Garni am Römerweg is reserved for you. Please give your name and arrival details at the time of deposit, together with the reason for payment, so that we can arrange a clear assignment.


Volksbank Fiss
IBAN: AT89 4239 0001 0000 0770


For a stay of less than 4 nights: 1 - 3 nights: € 5.00 per person


We gladly offer a bread and roll service for our apartment guests.


Our room guests may enjoy a rich and substantial breakfast from 07.30 am until 10.00 am
which is included in the room price. Our apartment guests can additionally book breakfast
served at the breakfast buffet for an additional charge.

  • Adult : € 16,00 / day
  • Kids 0-2 Years old : Free of charge
  •   3- 6: € 5,00 / day
  • 7-14 : € 10,00 /day


Please let us know if you would like to bring your  four-legged friend with you,  as only a limited number of appropriate rooms are available.

There is an additional charge of € 15,00 per day for your pets.

Without feed.



Local taxes (visitor’s taxes) will be charged for people following their completed fifteenth year and are € 2.60 per person per day.


A car park is available to our guests directly at the hotel. Here at the Hotel am Römerweg, sustainability takes centre stage. By offering electric car charging stations, we are making an important contribution to reducing CO2 emissions. If you are travelling with an electric car, please let us know when you make your reservation. On the day of departure, we will charge the used kWh to your room bill.


Our Hotel am Römerweg is a non-smoking hotel, therefore, we must ask you not to smoke
throughout the entire hotel, with the exception of the balcony.

travel insurance

As intervening factors can always occur, and you may not be able to begin your holiday as planned,
we recommend to you taking out travel insurance:


Our wellness oasis is available to you daily, in winter

from 4.00 pm to 8.00 pm.
In summer, as per the notice board, but at least twice a week.


In settlement of the hotel bill we accept cash,EC card,

MasterCard or VISA card.

Moreover, the Austrian General Terms and Conditions for the Hotel Industry apply (AGBH).

Subject to alterations and errors!
All information on this website is without guarantee.

Liebe Gäste und Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis Fans!

Wir haben am Samstag, den 15. Juni 2024 unsere Türen für Sie geöffnet und dürfen Sie diesen Sommer bis zum 20. Oktober 2024

bei uns Willkommen heißen.

Bis bald, wir freuen uns!


Ihre Familie Geiger