Current weather

On the sunny plateau in Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis

Today, 27.07.2024

Day 26° C · Night 14° C

  • Wetter in FissMorning
  • Wetter in FissNoon
  • Wetter in FissEvening

Hours of sunshine 7 h · Freezing level 4300 m
Risk of precipitation:
am 0 % · pm 50 %

Su, 28.07.2024

Day 25° C · Night 15° C

  • Wetter in Fiss

Hours of sunshine 5 h
Freezing level 4400 m
Risk of precipitation:
am 60 % · pm 50 %

Mo, 29.07.2024

Day 27° C · Night 13° C

  • Wetter in Fiss

Hours of sunshine 10 h
Freezing level 4700 m
Risk of precipitation:
am 0 % · pm 10 %

Tu, 30.07.2024

Day 28° C · Night 14° C

  • Wetter in Fiss

Hours of sunshine 10 h
Freezing level 4700 m
Risk of precipitation:
am 0 % · pm 20 %

We, 31.07.2024

Day 28° C · Night 14° C

  • Wetter in Fiss

Hours of sunshine 8 h
Freezing level 4300 m
Risk of precipitation:
am 0 % · pm 30 %

An Atlantic front will pass over our country during Sunday. As a result, the weather will temporarily become somewhat unsettled, with occasional showers or possibly thunderstorms expected due to passing, sometimes quite thick clouds. However, the sun will also shine for longer periods in between. At the start of the new week, high-pressure influence will strengthen again, leading to very sunny weather and fairly stable atmospheric conditions. Consequently, the formation of cumulus clouds in the afternoons over the mountains will be limited, and the risk of thunderstorms will be low. Temperatures will rise to midsummer levels in the afternoon. According to the current weather charts, a transition to more unsettled weather is expected after midweek.

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