Entertainment for young & old

Events & highlights

Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis does not only have something to offer to enthusiastic skiers – a winter holiday in Fiss also means great entertainment for the whole family.

The first track

“Embellishing the mountain with your first tracks is another thing to do!” according to the motto of this unforgettable experience. Above all else, to be standing on skis, breathing in the fresh mountain air, enjoying the sunrise and then pulling off on your first track, on the freshly prepared ski slope – a day on holiday can hardly begin in a more exclusive way.


Fantastic visual effects, daredevil acrobats, cool dancers and rousing music – those are just a few of the surprises that await you in this spectacular show, just by the slope at the Möseralm. A special highlight, besides, is the tremendous ramp which not only delivers cool jumps but also unforgettable imagery. Culinary highlights await you, meanwhile, in the Möseralm, the Sonnenburg and the VIP Lounge.

Adventure night

Let yourself be carried away for an entire evening into a world full of fascinating musical scenes, top-quality entertainment interludes, brave acrobats and spectacular stunts, and experience unforgettable moments at the Tyrol’s largest open air spectacle at the Hochplateau Komperdell.


Take your box seat beside one of the numerous Pistenbully drivers and experience right in front of your own eyes how the heroes of the night dance over the ski slopes with their 490 hp strong machines, energetically yet masterly, preparing the slopes perfectly once again for the next sweeping ski run.

Fisser Flieger & Skyswing

Hover over the snow-covered mountain peak with the Fisser Flieger, like a mighty dragon and feel the glorious sensation of freedom when it buzzes at over 80 km/hour and at a ground clearance of up to 47 m above the Möseralm.
The Skyswing, in addition, guarantees the absolute adrenaline kick – three different levels are accessible, from light swing to somersault.

Crystal Cube

The Crystal Cube appears sparkling and unique amidst the Ski-Dimension Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis and offers its guests not only a spectacular view but also top culinary treats. Due to its completely mirrored-glass shell you may enjoy your breakfast, luxury lunch or high tea quite privately and still bear witness to a fantastic 360 degree all-encompassing view of the wintry mountain panorama.

Tobogganing & fondue evening

Obviously, a successful and unforgettable toboggan evening cannot be without a tasty fondue. Enjoy a small savoury appetizer (amuse-gueule), followed by a delicious meat or cheese fondue and a sweet dessert to finish off. Blissful toboggan runs, a twinkling, starry sky and unique moments of pleasure are guaranteed for everyone.

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